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Sightseeing in Laos

  Welcome back to the jungle! Instead of spending time on the dynamics of Lao culture and being around people, let’s take a break and go sightseeing! Laos is full of amazing places to see and go. You can tour cities, visit a nature reserve, or even go to one of the longest river cave systems in the world! No matter what you like to do, Laos has it all. Here are the top four places to visit (plus a bonus one), all in northern Laos. Luang Prabang This historic city was once the capital of the Lao Empire. Today, it is the most popular tourist destination . The Royal Palace Museum is a must-see. Built in 1904 while the French had Laos as a colony, it houses the royal car collection, an ornate pavilion with a Buddha statue, and the living quarters of the royal family. Before going , it is important to note that no cameras are allowed, bags must be left in lockers outside, shoes are taken off before entering, and women must have their legs covered. Luang Prabang also has many temple...

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