Sightseeing in Laos

 Welcome back to the jungle! Instead of spending time on the dynamics of Lao culture and being around people, let’s take a break and go sightseeing! Laos is full of amazing places to see and go. You can tour cities, visit a nature reserve, or even go to one of the longest river cave systems in the world! No matter what you like to do, Laos has it all. Here are the top four places to visit (plus a bonus one), all in northern Laos.

Luang Prabang

This historic city was once the capital of the Lao Empire. Today, it is the most popular tourist destination. The Royal Palace Museum is a must-see. Built in 1904 while the French had Laos as a colony, it houses the royal car collection, an ornate pavilion with a Buddha statue, and the living quarters of the royal family. Before going, it is important to note that no cameras are allowed, bags must be left in lockers outside, shoes are taken off before entering, and women must have their legs covered. Luang Prabang also has many temples. Ranging from the 1400s to the 1900s, they were all built in vastly different styles. For a list of some of the more famous ones, check out this website.


Vientiane is the current capital of Laos. A bustling city built along the Mekong River, there are so many things to do. Despite its name, the morning market lasts nearly all day. This is the best place to enjoy local wares and food. If shopping is one of your favorite things, then you should go to the evening market as well. It’s located right next to the Mekong River, which makes for a beautiful evening. For you history nerds out there, some great places to go include the Patuxai Victory Monument, the Pha That Luang Stupa, and the COPE Visitor Center. The Patuxai Victory Monument honors the Lao soldiers and citizens who have been killed in the variety of wars that have happened throughout Laos’s history. The Pha That Luang Stupa is a golden temple that is Vientiane’s crown jewel. It is believed that the breastbone of Buddha is kept there. On a more sober note, the COPE Visitor Center is a museum that details the effects of the Vietnam War and unexploded ordinance (UXO) on the Lao people. Of course, there are many more museums, monuments, and temples to visit, but these are the highlights of Vientiane.

Tham Kong Lo Cave

For those of you who like to explore less touristy areas and getting outside, this river cave system may be the adventure for you! It does take some planning to get there, so be sure to do your research before embarking on this trip. First of all, it takes about six hours to get there from Vientiane. You also want to be sure to wear appropriate clothing, like closed-toed shoes, long pants, and long sleeves are recommended as it can be chilly in the cave. The impressive features are worth the trip, as is the experience of floating down a river inside a cave.

Bokeo Nature Reserve

If you like nature, but the cave sounds like a little too much, then the Bokeo Nature Reserve is the perfect alternative! You can have the chance to see bears, elephants, tigers, chimpanzees, buffalo, and a variety of birds. To visit, you need to book with The Gibbon Experience. Visitors stay in treehouses with a fantastic view of the jungle. You can book trips of varying lengths. Some involve ziplining, while others are hikes.

Bonus Location! The Plain of Jars

The Plain of Jars is just what it sounds like, a mysterious flat area that has thousands of large, stone jars scattered across miles of northern Laos. Of the 60 sites, only 7 are open to tourists. This is because much of the area hasn’t been cleared of UXO. These large stone urns are a variety of sizes and can weigh several metric tons. Human bones and round discs, which are thought to be lids, have been found in these areas. The predominant theory is these were used as part of the burial process. However, the locals have more interesting stories, including the idea that these are cups the giants used to drink from.

Thanks for coming along on today's sightseeing tour, I hope you all have been inspired to explore Laos for yourself!


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